While using our printables and printable packages will all have their own licensing terms with them, sometimes our visitors just want to be able to find the answers they are looking for. Therefore, we have set up this section to hopefully address some of those concerns. If not, you can always check over our terms and conditions page. and if you still get stuck or are unsure, then simply reach out to us on our email of: support@lewis-mart.com and someone from our staff will get back to you within 48 hours unless it is on the weekend then it will be answered on the following Monday.


Q- How many times am I able to download the products that I purchased?

A- You are able to download as many times as you wish, as well as you are not limited to how many you can print out.

Q- Am I able to sell these items to others once I purchase them?

A- Yes, providing that you change out the printable to make it not similar to the products that we have listed within the store. You must alter them out to make them unique to you and your style, do not just take our printables and sell them as is, this is not permitted. However, we do offer PLR to some of our items within the store, so with those types of items you can do whatever you wish with them, but again you must still alter them out to make them not similar to our products, and you must not put our name on your products.

Q- Will the products have a license with them?

A- Yes, we will include within your download a separate file that will have what you can and cannot do with the printables you get from us.

Q- How will I get my clothes items after purchase?

A- Once you select your clothing items within your shopping
cart you will get a confirmation email from our supplier who will provide you with
your shipping details and the date on which your items should arrive. If you have
any issues with your purchases, you can always reach out to us via email at
support@lewis-mart and we will try our best to further assist. Please do title
your subject line with- ORDER ISSUES
so that we can address these messages
quickly for you.